Bed manufacturer Sealy (in the UK) has released the findings of a recent study into British sleep habits.
While one could be a little cynical about a bed manufacturer espousing the benefits of couples sleeping separately, the stats of 36% of couples sleeping separately (even sometimes) does confirm the broad trends I discovered while writing Sleeping Apart not Falling Apart.
The stats about younger couples prioritising sleep as an essential health choice MAKES ME SMILE. Great to see young people realising the value of sleep.
Clever things.
An article on (that includes quotes from my good friend and co-author of second edition of ‘Sleeping Apart not Falling Apart’, Dr Neil Stanley) does go on to provide some options about dealing with a troublesome partner (not too dissimilar to my last post).
BUT I can’t help but add to the list by suggesting…. hugging and kissing your loved one, tucking them in, then snuggling a pillow in the peace of your own room.
“Sleep Apart Stay Together” – it’s what all the cool kids are saying.