
Sleeping – Olympic style…

Sleeping…. Olympic Style

Even though it’s just the Winter Olympics, I’m still excited. I loved the opening ceremony (I do so love them all) and did think that the God of ‘You need to learn a lesson’ (Russia) was at play when that fifth ring didn’t open.

Sochi Ring Fail/Reuters

But that’s not the point of this post.

USA Olympic figure skater Jeremy Abbott (see note below) spoke about the link between sleep and performance of athletes at the elite level. I know you are probably thinking….

“Oh duh! What’s surprising about that?”

And I’d agree if that’s your response.

However, this article is an interesting read about the link between sleep and performance.

We all need to perform every day – even if it’s not as public as the slopes and arenas of the Winter Olympics. So if you are facing some important events in your life, what are you doing to make sure you as well rested and ready to perform… in your own Life Olympics.

Check out the article… and some very interesting links on the page.

Note: So far poor old Jeremy hasn’t had the best of times at Sochi. I hope his performance, aided by some great night’s sleep, improves.

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