

Shout out to Getty Images….

Just trawling through the shared images out there in Internet land and am having great difficulty finding an image of a couple happily in their own room, but shown in the same image. Dare I cry discrimination? Or grab a camera and start snapping myself? EXCUSE ME Getty photographers, but could you please arrange to […]

Shout out to Getty Images…. Read More »

Alertness, Safety and Productivity – now get to sleep!

I discovered today that the Australian Government has invested $14.5m to conduct research into the effects of sleep deprivation on the safety, productivity and health of Australians. My question is – will the research consider the effects on sleep deprivation of a disturbing partner? Alongside all the other clinically recognised sleep disorders – a disruptive

Alertness, Safety and Productivity – now get to sleep! Read More »

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